Monday, March 10, 2008

Women are wonderful

If you don't want to be a nurse, don't be a nurse. If you don't want to be a homemaker, don't be a homemaker. If you do want to be a scientist or a computer programmer, work hard, study, and make it happen. Unfortunately, we've created a society where it is difficult for women to develop the self-confidence necessary to break gender roles and penetrate male dominated disciplines. Everyone, male or female, old or young, black or white, should be taught to pursue the path they are most interested in. If we give people the confidence to follow their dreams we don't need to worry about encouraging or prodding them into various fields of study. Let them decide for themselves. If you want to be a homemaker, then, dang it bob, be a homemaker!


Coach Ruth said...

What a great point to make. One thing I have found in my work as a coach is that it is often the lack of knowing what words to use to tell people about our desires that holds us back. Fear that we won't have the right "comeback" to counter an argument and the whole plan will die in that moment keeps us from sharing our heart's dreams. When we concentrate on using language that feels good and honest (no matter how clunky) we get better results. It's OK if you don't have all the answers at this moment. Never let not knowing how to tell people about your dreams hold you back.

Ruth Hegarty, Certified Law of Attraction Coach
Leap of Confidence (life & career coaching for the shy & socially anxious)
Center for Heart Based Communication (say anything and everything with power & grace)

Kelsey said...

Check out the begging of the third sentence. Sounds good though.