Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hackers aren't limited to your computer

Recently the CIA reported that hackers shut down foreign power grids. This is a bit scarier to me than a hacker putting a virus on my computer. I can always backup my data, format, and start over. When a hacker can physically damage equipment that is vital to my daily life I start to take it seriously. Experts predict possible Y2K size catastrophes, only this time they seem to be founded. A country without power, water, or any other utility would not be a happy place to be. Precautionary steps should be readily available to deal with these types of attacks. It remains to be seen if government and other leaders take preemptive action or wait to be forced to make the changes.


Kelsey said...

Wow, that's pretty scary stuff. I had no idea. As far as editing goes, the only thing I would take a look at is that sentence that starts with "but." Using a different word might make the paragraph flow a little better. Sounds good though.

oscar said...

Yikes! That is scary. I think as far as editing goes it looks great.